Branding is the meaning and feeling given to a product or service. It’s a story, personality, promise the brand makes to meet our expectations in certain ways. The collection of experiences we have every time we engage with a brand through the product, its services or people that work for it, collectively make up what a brand is. Branding is how you make people feel about, and the experiences they associate with your brand. Branding is emotional and rational. Branding is wining hearts and moving minds.

Branding is the meaning and feeling given to a product or service. It’s a story, personality, promise the brand makes to meet our expectations in certain ways. The collection of experiences we have every time we engage with a brand through the product, its services or people that work for it, collectively make up what a brand is. Branding is how you make people feel about, and the experiences they associate with your brand. Branding is emotional and rational. Branding is wining hearts and moving minds.
Project Brief
Request List
Assets Preparation
Marketing Audit
Competitive Audit
Consumer Research
Discovery Recap
Vision / Meaning
Color Systems
Brand Language
Brand Architecture
Final Identity
How many advertisements do we watch each day? How many of them do we remember? Most of us encounter dozens of advertisements each day. If you start paying attention, you will probably notice that the advertisements we remember are the ones that tell a story. There is a reason for that: humans are hardwired to pay attention to stories. It is how we communicate, how we share lessons, how we connect with each other. And if your brand is not telling a good story, it is unlikely anyone will remember you more than a second or two after your advertisement disappears.
Throughout the decades, countless studies have proven that the human brain responds more positively to a story than a collection of cold, hard facts. When we are reading nothing but data, we only engage the language part of our brains to decode the message we are being given. However, when we read a story, we engage other aspects of the brain that would typically be engaged if we were experiencing whatever we are reading about. In other words, from a neurological perspective, storytelling allows you to help your customers see things from your perspective. Stories are also far easier to remember than facts and statistics because our brains blend the tales that we read in with our own memories.
According to researches – If people really love a brand story:
- More than half (55%) are more likely to buy the product in the future 55% 55%
- 44% will share the story 44% 44%
- 15% will buy the product immediately 15% 15%
Brand story is far more than just a cohesive narrative that encompasses the facts about your business development. Humans simply aren’t moved to action by “data dumps,” dense PowerPoint slides, or spreadsheets packed with figures. People are moved by emotion. Brand story is what helps you clearly communicate your feelings, beliefs and values to the outside world. Most importantly, these stories play a crucial role in building customer loyalty and inspiring engagement.
Today’s customers not only care about what you have to offer or the quality of your products. They are also interested in your vision and purpose, and what your business stands for. Simply put, customers want to know the reason why your business exists.
With so many words surrounding your audiences, grabbing their attention is tough. It is even more difficult to keep. The language that tells your brand story must be clear, concise and bring your brand to life. It must speak as you do – conversational, direct, loud, soft and even a whisper. HARIKALET strives to generate story that instantly connects with your audiences, providing them with reasons to welcome and trust your brand.
Your logo is the first thing people think of when they picture your brand. A professionally designed logo draws the eye and solidifies your brand in the mind of the viewer. Make it memorable and effective with the help of HARIKALET branding and graphic design team.
Our ideas result in innovative and creative logos that remarkably present your business
Work Excellence
We create badges that faithfully represent our strong dedication to brilliant design
Novel Design
The novelty of our logos is a clear indicator that no prebuilt components are used
Reasonable Cost
Our creative logo designs, tailored to your needs, are accessible at reasonable costs
Logo design process
In the beginning, the defining and specification process is performed via meetings whose main purpose is to identify the way your business will be perfectly presented with the intended design. This process, by your choice, can be realized by online sessions or by filling out a questionnaire.
In the following phase, our team will make the best effort to consolidate the given information and update it with our own research in the field of interest.
The process of planning and generating ideas will then serve as a catalyst to outline important information and set up initial designs.
These preliminary designs are then delivered to you for review. Our team will also provide help in this electing phase.
In the end, after the designs are reviewed, the requested updates are made and when the client approves, the final badge may be supported with a complete branding solution.
Even though the world is turning more and more to the Internet when searching for a service, there will always be a huge need for printed marketing pieces – tangible evidence of the brand, designed congruent with the brands core values and personality. These printed materials have a huge impact on your corporate image, and help to earn your client’s respect quickly.
In today’s competitive landscape, you need to provide supporting information about your company’s products or services. Your business success may depend on how well you communicate what you have to offer.
We consider corporate identity as a set of visual guidelines that define your brand. As your company grows, a tight corporate identity will ensure that your brand grows with it. When properly executed, your print collateral will answer any and all questions regarding your company’s visuals.
HARIKALET designs entire suite of print collateral including:
Business card
Shopping bag
Book cover
Thank-you card
Gift voucher
Thank-you card
Manual design
All of these items and more are designed with a specific objective in mind. They are the tactical material of your brand strategy.
The collateral of your brand is often the first impression of your product or service and first impressions really count.
More than a “nice to have”, a strong brand is a “must have” in today’s business environment. In fact, a strong brand is a powerful business tool that is essential for success. Most businesses are facing increased competition. To create separation from their peers, businesses need to position themselves as being smarter, better…different.
To win in today’s competitive marketplace, you need to clearly communicate what’s unique about your brand. HARIKALET will help you tell your brand story in a way that differentiates it from, and elevates it above, your peers. From sound strategy to compelling visuals and a singular brand voice, we capture the essence of your company and bring your brand to life.

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